733 N. Kings Rd., #145
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Jacob at Vision CSL in San Diego
Saturday, March 1, 2025
10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. $30 tuition
will not be livestreamed - visioncsl.org

peace and joy are within

Miracle module masterclasses
be transformed by mind renewal
Quarterly modules of 13 weeks per module. Next Miracle Module begins the first week of January 2025.
Masterclasses are ongoing open-ended all year long. They are livestreamed and recorded twice a week Sunday and Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. PST - streamed on a private YouTube channel (but you can watch the video replay as well). Each class is a little over an hour in length with an opening guided meditation.
You will also receive an mp3 audio of each of the sessions to download so you'll have them forever. ​
Membership in the Mastermind Group is by AUTO-pay of $200 per month. OR you may pay $600 for 3 months worth of Mastermind Masterclasses. SET UP AUTO-PAY AT THIS LINK AT THE DONATE BUTTON - YOU CANNOT DO IT FROM THIS WEBSITE.
You may "audit" any class which means you are not enrolled so you cannot see the livestream but can receive an mp3 audio recording of the class.
For a donation of $30 you will receive one class audio mp3. ​
For a donation of $200 you will receive 8 class audio mp3's (a months worth of sessions)​​

I wanted to take a moment to express to you how much I appreciate being in your Masterclasses - they are the foundation of my life, really. They keep me grounded, guided, sane, and inspired.
You are so good at what you do. I am also in the coaching/spirituality industry and I've basically heard everyone who is alive speak multiple times and many who are not even alive anymore. You are the best! You're so good at what you do.
Thank you for continuing to show-up and to share these teachings with me and all of us who are so lucky to receive them. Thank you for being authentic and sharing your stories with us. I know it's not always easy to keep showing up but you are so valued and your work is so important to me.
You're a star. You shine so brightly and you are a gift to me. I look forward to your classes every week and the principles you teach have made my life so much richer, inside and out. Thank you. - G.F.