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Relaxing Candles


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“Dear Jacob, as you know by the time I started listening to your recordings I had spent thousands of dollars and hours in therapy and on medication for many years to no avail, dealing with SA by a family member. My life was a mess. I was 30 pounds overweight, deeply in debt, my home was a hoarder's haven and I was stressed out and underpaid and deeply depressed. Your Joy Academy worked it's magic on me and I did the work to find a way to the Light. I can never thank you enough. My life has totally turned around and I cannot thank you enough. YOU are a miracle!”

— K.V.


"Jacob, someone anonymously gifted me your book "Invocations" at a time when I was struggling in one of my "difficult periods". It really grabbed my attention by being affirmative and positive (two words I struggle with) without insulting my intelligence. Finally, someone willing to cut through the bullshit. Since then, I've had my ups and downs and have worn out my copy and have had to replace it since it's all scribbled in and the cover fell off from use. Thank you so much and thank you to the person who anonymously left this book for me like an angel who demonstrated kindness and then moved on."


“Dear Jacob, I cannot thank you enough for your book "A Course in Prosperity." It has totally shifted my relationship with money after a lifetime of fear, worry, guilt and uptight religious thinking about allowing myself to prosper!"

— T.S.

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"Jacob, you were the first person who I told after I found out that I was HIV positive. We'd never even met before and it was the first time I heard you speak at the conference. But, I was so full of fear that weekend and you were sent like an angel at the perfect time to get me back to peace.

Thank you! I love you."

— DM

Buddha Statue
Happy Family

“Dear Brother Jacob, I am so thankful for your classes and for you! When I had my miscarriage and fell into deep depression for months after, I did not know how to recover. Coming to your classes allowed me to cry it out and then turn around and start creating a new vision and future for myself. Soon enough I was pregnant and now we have our blessed child and I know that it's because of your grace and for being the boot camp sarge to keep me on the highlighted route! Our family loves you soooo much!"

— E.S.

Image by Content Pixie

"Jacob, meeting you after I was diagnosed with breast cancer was definitely a Divine Appointment. Talking to you about healing and Louise Hay and A Course in Miracles helped to calm my fears and confusion about what was a very terrifying experience. 

You helped me and set me on a road to many healing modalities that I've used for many years since then and I'm sorry it's taken so long to really thank you for being there for me and asking nothing in return. You are an angel."


“Dear Jacob, my daughter is a senior in high-school who never wanted to hear your CD's playing in my car but in our house your name is a verb and a noun because she'll say, "don't go all Jacob on me!" But it has trickled down and really helped her with a very negative teacher at her school who teaches fear and hopelessness. She doesn't buy into it and says he is "arguing for his limitations" as you always talk about. Thank you for helping me raise my kids in the light you share! You are a blessing, and there are not enough words to tell you my appreciation."

— J.E.

Image by Omid Armin

"Brother Jacob, when my wife committed suicide, I don't know what I would have done to survive it if not for your weekly classes.

Our family went into major trauma and grief of course and there is no way I could have navigated my way through any of it much less even getting out of bed each day without your loving guidance - and even humor. 

I am so thankful God sent you to us here to hear you talk to yourself while we listen in."

— L. S.

Image by cheng feng
Image by Zhanhui Li

“Jacob, Miracles just keep unfolding for me as I take the highlighted route and refuse to get caught up in victim thinking like so many of my colleagues here at the University. I've been promoted over and over in the most "impossible" ways and have gone from being a temp to being a tenured professor without even trying and have also managed to have the University pay me to travel around the world!

God is certainly on the Field! 

Thank you for all you do and for who you are to so many of us!"

— A. S. 

Image by Giorgio Trovato

"Jacob, when I lost my job at the studio I was freaking out and starting to spiral about how I was going to pay for this big house and keep our family going, it was a terrifying time for me.

But our session calmed me down and got me thinking right again so that I was able to move into an even better and brighter position within a very short period of time. You are Hollywood's secret weapon in an industry which is often very stressful and ego-oriented and I'm so glad that you were brought into my life even though I was very resistant to all this "spiritual" stuff. LOL. I really appreciate you and your giftis!"

— S. B.

“Hi Jacob, I am so glad I got to come to your class, and even though I sat in front and cried for much of it, they were tears of joy and gratitude. At age 59, I was dumped by my husband and suddenly had to find a career after he would not allow me to have a job during our entire marriage. Thank goodness for you! I was able to clam myself and get a job that I love and that I am thriving and being promoted at because I so love what I am doing helping my customers. I am finally learning to love myself and am penuin-stepping my way in faith, knowing that God is with me now. So very grateful for you."

— J.C.

Image by LinkedIn Sales Solutions

"Jacob, I can hardly believe how long it's been since I walked into that lecture of yours at Unity and started on this journey with you. My life was very different then and I've been through so much and you've walked me through it all with your weekly recordings. My friends all thought I was insane when I started to tithe because I didn't have much at the time and now I am a multi-millioniare in an industry that others say you have to starve in! But, #thisshitworks and I just keep on doing my thing and ignoring the muggles and all their limiting beliefs about what is possible. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher!"

— L. S.

Image by Toa Heftiba

© 2025 by Jacob Glass

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